Our Core Curriculum
Teachers at Osborne Primary School work collaboratively to plan and implement rich learning programs for the engagement of students.
At Osborne we place great emphasis on the teaching of reading. It involves developing both oral and reading comprehension skills. We focus on teaching elements of the CAFÉ reading menu which stands for Comprehension, Accuracy, Fluency and Expand Vocabulary. The Reading CAFÉ is an effective teaching structure that provides students with strategies to develop greater comprehension. In lessons, teachers focus on improving a student’s ability to read with accuracy, fluency and expression. This builds a strong vocabulary so each student can understand and recall what they have read.
Students are encouraged to talk about, communicate and be ambitious with their writing. Teachers focus on teaching elements of 6+1 writing traits which are explicitly demonstrated via whole group, small group and at individual conferences. These traits enable students to make greater use of a wider vocabulary, connectives, story ideas, sentence fluency and varied punctuation to up level their writing. Students set goals and develop a wide range of skills to improve their writing as they move through the school.
Our shared vision is for all students to receive high quality teaching in Mathematics to support the development of rich mathematical knowledge and understanding so all students are able to apply mathematical skills with confidence in their daily lives. At Osborne Primary School, Mathematics is a positive, engaging and hands on experience. Teachers encourage and assist students to become self-motivated, confident learners through instruction and active participation in engaging and challenging experiences. Daily Mathematics lessons focus on each child’s point of need, making it personalised and meaningful, believing each child is capable of success.
The school prides itself on keeping up with the most recent developments in Mathematics education. To complement the Victorian Curriculum program, we have accumulated a large collection of professional and created resources and equipment, which students use in teacher directed, independent and group work. Our hands-on, sequential approach to Mathematics enriches students’ learning experiences, and allow for “real life” application. Building upon previous mathematical skills and understandings provides students with opportunities to consolidate their skills and understanding through practice.